Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Bandersnatch and the Future of Interactive film.

Not Black Mirror's finest 

So let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Bantam Books didn’t revolutionise the ‘Choose your own adventure’ genre cause you’ve probably never heard of it till I mentioned it here and maybe a few of you did read Goosebumps’ take on the concept but that’s about it. 

Now, if you meet me and happen to talk about the world of entertainment I’m bound to tell you that I’ve enjoyed video game narratives a lot more than narratives in other mediums recently and that has a lot to do with the fact that it’s an interactive medium. 

So, on Bandersnatch itself. I love the idea but the execution maybe less so cause this is again coming from my video game bias but a million people play the same video game yet if I were to talk to you about Nathan Drake ( the protagonist from the Uncharted series ). He’s the same Nathan Drake but Nathan Drake feels personal to the one who controls him. And I use this particular example cause the Uncharted series is a very linear series as opposed to say The Witcher series where we make choices every 3 minutes that can shift the tide of the narrative completely. 

As Bandersnatch moved on you see yourself drifted further apart from Stefan but I guess that was done intentionally. He was a bit like me when I watched ‘Waking Life’ for the first time. I loved the idea though much like I liked the idea of augmented reality in Pokémon Go , it’s the execution which left a lot to be desired but in time will definitely be a lot better.
Anyway, as someone who’s aware that video games are not accessible to everyone cause they’re so expensive I’ll be curious to know what you thought of interactive film. 

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